Pun of the Day: A Rash of Good Luck

Q: What do you call it when you cross a four-leaf clover with poison ivy?

A: A rash of good luck.

Humorous cartoon of a four-leaf clover crossed with poison ivy, symbolizing the pun 'What do you call it when you cross a four-leaf clover with poison ivy? A rash of good luck.'

Check out these related articles for more interesting facts about plants and their properties:

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Pun of the Day: Time Capsule

Q: Why did the time capsule go to therapy?
A: It had some buried issues to uncover!

Humorous cartoon of a time capsule on a therapist's couch, symbolizing the pun 'Why did the time capsule go to therapy? It had some buried issues to uncover!'

Check out these related articles for more information on the recently opened 1887 time capsule:

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