Pun of the Day: Supplies!

Q: What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet?

A cheerful janitor jumping out of a supply closet holding a mop and bucket, with cleaning supplies flying out behind him, shouting "Supplies!"

You’ve heard of surprise parties, but have you ever been hit with a surprise cleaning party? This janitor takes his job seriously—so seriously that he jumps out of the supply closet with a mop in one hand and a bucket in the other, ready for action! Whether it’s dust, dirt, or grime, this surprise entry will leave things sparkling. After all, nothing screams “clean sweep” like a perfectly timed Supplies! moment!

Pun of the Day – Office Chair Struggles

Q: Why did the office chair squeak after Labor Day?
A: It wasn’t ready for all that sitting again!

Cartoon image of an office chair with a strained expression, holding up an overly large man at his desk. A thought bubble from the chair reads, "Is it Friday yet?!"

In the spirit of post-Labor Day blues, this playful cartoon captures the mood of returning to work after a long weekend. The poor office chair is doing its best to hold up under the pressure of its owner’s return to the daily grind. With a face that screams “Is it Friday yet?!”, this chair is all of us as we ease back into the workweek. Whether it’s the weight of the world or just one too many holiday treats, this chair is squeaking its way through the week. Hang in there, Friday is just around the corner!

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